
Now, some of you may remember my good friend, Skirt. He hung around with me for quite a few years and for one month he went everywhere with me every single day and got up to all kind of adventures. Do you remember One Dress October? Katie Graham wore the same dress each day for a month and I wore Skirt each day. We did wash them, of course. Here is Skirt enjoying himself on a swing on one of our days together during One Dress October.


It was the daily washing, rather than the daily wearing, that did for Skirt. For at the end of that month of October 2009 poor Skirt had become so threadbare that on the last day he sadly passed away. Cremation seemed more appropriate than burial (it involved no strenuous digging for one thing) and it was a very sad occasion indeed when we all stood by and watched him burning on our little stove.


But Skirt was not my first love. Oh no, there was a skirtly predecessor who I loved even more fervently. In fact the October Skirt was an attempt to replace Spotty Skirt but he never really did – not truly, not in my heart.

The weird thing was that Spotty Skirt (original Skirt we are talking about here) was not an expensive designer piece. He cost me £8 in Primark (why, oh why did I not buy 10 of them when I had the opportunity – by the time I had realised how much I loved him, they had disappeared from stock). Sadly, unlike replacement Skirt, of whom I have a huge array of photos and even a video of him doing wild skiing tricks as part of One Dress October, I have only two photos of Spotty Skirt and in only one of those is he actually with me (and even in this one photo he is a little twizzled. He had a habit of twizzling around as I walked along – I guess he liked to look around in all directions to eye up the skirtly competition).

So this is Spotty Skirt.CIMG3578

And I have never found another that I love as much as this one. Several other people had the same Spotty Skirt as I recall but in green. I wonder if they still have theirs? He was such a simple soul – just cotton but I think he was lined (isn’t that bad that I have forgotten his little details? Perhaps I did not love and treasure him as much as I think. Perhaps that is why he fell to pieces and left me?)

I have searched high and low for a replacement Spotty Skirt but have never found one. The spots are always either too big or too small or the style is too 50s and flouncy with petticoats and other unnecessary fuss.

So if there is anyone out there who bought one of these £8 items from Primark and consigned it unloved to the back of their wardrobe, then please do send it my way. Or if you see one, even if someone is walking around in it, please trot up to them and ask if they would be prepared to donate it to me.

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